Thursday 1 July 2010

Directories: good or bad?

Most webmasters are aware that adding links from well ranked websites can help their site’s popularity increase. Submitting your site to high quality web directories, is a fairly simple (if time consuming) process and what's more there are a wealth of free web directories to choose from.

The issues are that it’s a time costly and tedious process, from which to you may only gain a few links. Furthermore, directories are not obliged to accept your site, and more successful the directory often the longer it takes (3-6months) to get approved by them.

So which directories to use?

Which Directories to submit a site to for SEO purposes?


EUSV Web Directory

Alternatively, some have suggested using automated services such as "" to save time and effort. These services automate the process of adding your site to directories. However, adding hundreds of incoming links, in a common pattern, over a short time span will raise alarm bells with search engines.